Photo by Biviana Romero
Before I even knew ‘design’ was a thing…
I had a knack for designing stuff. As a kid, I would fill pages of notebooks making “improvements” to sports logos, make my own custom designed baseball cards with colored pencils and markers on 5x7 index cards, write pamphlets on U.S. presidents, complete with (poorly) illustrated cover portraits. As I got older, I added sneakers designs and band t-shirts to my weird mix of dorky fascinations. When the time came to figure out what I was going to study in college, I picked ‘graphic design’ because it sounded cool and I knew I wasn’t good enough with a paintbrush or a pencil to be a “real” art student. Turns out all those hobbies I had as a kid were actually something a person could do as a career. What dumb luck. Here I am 25 years later getting the same charge out of putting things together like I did as a kid, but with some actual know-how and a LOT nicer tools.
Home is Northwest Arkansas. My workdays are spent as a designer for the University of Arkansas. In the evenings, I’m enjoying time with my wife and toddler, fumbling around the kitchen after a bolt of inspiration from Bon Appétit’s YouTube channel, working on mi español, or watching the San Francisco Giants try to recapture that Even Year Magic.